Virtualbox shared folder appears empty
Virtualbox shared folder appears empty

virtualbox shared folder appears empty

If a directory called Documents already exists, this symlinking dies apparently silently. When VirtualBox creates the share, it's done as a symlink,Į.g. Part two: many modern linux distros populate a user's directory with default folders for Documents, Music, Videos, Downloads, etc.

virtualbox shared folder appears empty

You'll need to log out/back in for this to take effect, but wait on that if the second part pertains as well.

virtualbox shared folder appears empty

(I my cases, = 999) If your username(s) is not after the colon, add it/them (as root/sudo, multiple usernames coma separated). look at /etc/group and ensure the vboxsf line looks like: The first is to ensure that the user(s) in question are part of the vboxsf group. I apologize for the necro-post, but i just ran into this problem and found a solution that worked for me.

Virtualbox shared folder appears empty